
Thursday 25 October 2012


WHO- The video is about a man named Yyves Rossi who had a dream to fly.

WHAT-Yyves Rossi flew over countries using his wings and his body.

WHEN-On May 7, 2012

WHERE-He flew over the Grand Canyon and Swiss Alps and the English Chanel

WHY- He wanted to keep the freedom of being in the air but for longer

HOW-Yyves uses his body to control the wings by using his shoulders and back and legs.

The two ways that the video is related to IT8 are that the wings are a form of technology and devices on the wings such as an altitude checker is an electronic.

Something that i found very interesting was that Yyves flew without any machine like help. he could glide or swoop down by just moving his body a certain way. Another thing was that he went up about 8000 feet to fly down from. I'm getting nervous just yping that but imagine the adrenaline rush Yyves must have felt!

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