
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Apple Profit Rises 24% on Sales of iPhone 5

Apple Profit Rises 24% on Sales of iPhone 5
WRITTEN ON: October 25, 2012

WRITTEN BY: Nick Wingfield

WHO: The article is about the iPhone 5 by Apple.

WHAT: The article is about how the Apple profits rise 24% by the sales of the new iPhone 5.

WHERE: The article takes place at the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, California.

WHEN: The Profits went up 24% with the release of the new iPhone 5
WHY: The profits raise because it was a new thing on the market by Apple and who doesn't like a new 

I think my article was very interesting because a lot of people are buying the iPhone 5 and the study simply shows how much people like the iPhone 5 and how changing just the little things can make a difference in selling.
I wonder what would happen if instead of there being a profit increase if there was a 24% profit decrease, would the people at Apple Inc. do something about drastic about it or just wait and watch what happens.
The article relates to IT8 because the iPhone 5 is a piece of technology, hence the name 'Information Technology'. Also because Apple is one of the world's largest electronic producing company.

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