
Sunday 18 November 2012

Connected, But Alone?

I found the TED video 'Connected, But Alone?' a very interesting video because it shows us that is a negative side to having phones and other social media linked devices. Also something that I found rather interesting was that how this generation has made all electronics such big parts of their own lives. I feel most people don't understand the basic bounderies a person should have between their life in actuallity and their life in the cyber world of there phones. A question that I still have is that even though the presenter, Sherry Turkle is talking about how people of this generation are too involved in their phones, why did she show a recent picture of her daughter and her friends all together but on their phones blocking out the outside world. Also how can she alone prevent people from not going on their electronics, to certain point of view phones have become such a big part of our lives and her saying anything, will that make a difference?

Thursday 1 November 2012

A plane you can drive

WHO: The video is about a private pilot named Anna Deitrich who created a plane that you can drive.

WHAT: A plane that can drive, the wings can easily fold so you can drive donw a highway or a street and efficiently park in your either your driveway or garage

WHERE: Anna and her husband Carl created the aircraft in Massachusetts.

WHEN: The aircraft was first made its public debut in 2008 and flew for the first time in 2009.

WHY: Anna states that she and many other people had a wanted a car that could fly, but instead thought that why not make a plane that can drive.

The video is related to IT8 because it shows how a piece of technolegy can be further more enhanced. Also the aircraft has the same electronic input as a regular car.

What i found interesting was that how innovative the creator was. She dreamt of a flying car but thought outside the box to make a plane that can drive.

10 Interesting IT Jobs

  1. Java Developer
  2. Business Architect
  3. Data Scientist
  4. Social Media Architect
  5. Enterprise Mobile Developer
  6. Network Administrator
  7. Senior IT Auditor
  8. Staff Consultant
  9. Senior Web Developer
  10. Data Modeler